
When I got to Krakow It was super Cloudy and Windy and I could tell it was gonna rain, Luckily Both of my bags are waterproof so I put my jacket on and started off. It was only a 30 min walk so I figured It couldn’t be too bad, of course, it started to absolutely pour and the thunder was crazy. One of the lightning strikes sounded like a shotgun like 3in from your ear with no hearing protection. But holy cow I loved this little city. There are parks everywhere and it’s just so pretty. I wish I would have given myself one more day here. I only had one full day and a 12-hour tour booked for Auschwitz and the salt mines. One of the very few things I was set on seeing on this trip was Auschwitz and it was definitely heavy. You walk down the same halls as the prisoners did. Seeing some of the most famous photos ever taken there like them being unloaded from the trains and then actually standing there was quite the experience. Seeing how many blocks there were was insane, it went on as far as you could see. I also learned the discovery of the deadly gas was discovered when the person in charge of keeping rodents and pests away was exposed too much to certain pellets and died from it. This obviously led to as we all know them using this as the most efficient way to kill large masses. In my head, it was always like an actual gas sprayed into the chambers but they would drop the pellets into the chamber and because of how many people were in the tight space it was warm enough for the pellets to release the deadly gas. One small container (Which looked like a gallon paint can) was said to contain enough deadly pellets to kill 70,000 people. Making it extremely cost-effective too. There’s your fact of the day. It was really interesting to see that Auschwitz 1 was in the middle of a neighborhood and completely surrounded by businesses and houses. Here is Krakow.



