
My new Canadian friend and I arrived in Prague to be surprised by the much warmer weather. We both left Berlin with pants and regretted it for our 20 min walk with heavy backpacks. The heat was definitely harder for him because it really was only like 80 and I’m used to a lot worse. I dropped all of my stuff off in the hostel, changed, and headed out to adventure. I wasn’t sure where I was headed but I knew there was a hill off in the distance that I wanted to get to the top of. So I started walking In that direction and it was definitely further than I thought, But once I started the walk up it was Beautiful Everything was so green. I’m sure there are going to be lots of pictures of it. When I got to the top there was an entire park on the top of the hill which was also very pretty. There was an observatory along with pictures of planets taken from there and they were super cool to see. I got a pizza and ate in one of the old ruins overlooking the city. The view from the top was incredible. The next day I went on a walking tour of the city and got to see all of the "Most Important" things in the city. My legs are hurting from all of this walking but I’ve loved to be able to see all over the city. I had to be up at 5 to get on a train to Krakow the next day so I didn’t party too late.



