
I was in Munich for 3 full days and had such an amazing time. When I first got there it was a bit warm but it wasn’t terrible. My friend that lives in Arizona actually ended up being in Munich at the same time as me so we got to hang out for the first day I was there. We went down to a river and went swimming to cool off from the heat. All of the scenery around the river was beautiful. We had an amazing time and ended up going to dinner with her family. The next day I was up at 4:00 for a train to Garmisch about an hour and a half South-West of Munich. This was my first real taste of what the alps have to offer and It was absolutely stunning. I hiked a Gorge and now have a new favorite photo I’ve ever taken. After getting back to the train station I waited for my train which was supposed to be coming in 30 min. After I waited for an hour and a half the train still never came. Ends up, that the train was no longer going to that station anymore that day and it was not posted anywhere. I only found out after walking into a bakery and asking someone that worked there. The train was stopping in the next town over, only a 10 min drive. Except I don’t have a car and there are no taxis because the town is so small. It was an hour and a half walk to the next town so I got to get some extra steps in. When I finally got to Obaru the next town over I sat down for like 20 seconds and the train pulled in. If I would have waited at all to start walking I would have missed the train and been stuck there for another 4 hours. The following day I had a tour of Linderhof and Neuschwanstein both very beautiful and very different. The inside of both of them was just as grand as you would imagine a Castel to be. Unfortunately, no photos were allowed. The king’s bedroom alone was the size of my house, the colors were absolutely beautiful. A royal blue matched with gold accents filled the rooms and halls of Neuschwanstein. Along with other rooms being a deep red and gold to compliment the others. I was really sad to see that the trail leading to the view of the castle from above was closed and completely blocked off. I got absolutely drenched trying to find other trails that would lead to a similar view and unfortunately came up with nothing. Before getting back on the bus I rang my shirt and socks out because they were so wet. Overall I failed but it was still incredible to be able to see these old castles still fully constructed and in original shape.



